Describing charts and diagrams


1) Introduction

[dcs_box color=”#000000″ bcolor=”#F1F1F1″ bgcolor=”#7AFFB8″ bwidth=”1″ ]

The graph / the (bar  / pie  / line ) chart / table shows / presents / provides information on / deals with…

The topic / subject / theme of the graph / chart / table is…

It is taken from  / The source of the data is…

The graph / chart / table was published by …

The source… is very trustworthy / not trustworthy at all


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2) Description

The horizontal / vertical axis shows..

The average figure for… is…

The pie is subdivided into segments that represent …

The chart covers a period of…

The numbers for… are twice as high as those …

A clear trend becomes obvious …

The trend / development continues…

There are a number of peaks and low points in the years…

On the one hand… on the other hand…

When we compare the data we can say that…

The vast majority of… Over half of…


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month, quarter, year, decade, century, a thousand years (= a millennium), one million, a billion years;

for three days, since Thursday


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Fractions 1/2, , ,

half a…, one third, two thirds, two fifths


2) Description

[dcs_box color=”#000000″ bcolor=”#F1F1F1″ bgcolor=”#7AFFB8″ bwidth=”1″ ]


to increase / an increase

to rise / a rise

to grow / a growth

to improve / an improvement

to recover / a recovery

to rocket / a rocket

There is a dramatic increase in the number of…





[dcs_box color=”#000000″ bcolor=”#F1F1F1″ bgcolor=”#7A88B8″ bwidth=”1″ ]

Or down?

to decrease /a decrease

to fall / a fall

to drop / a drop

to deteriorate / a deterioration

to slump / a slump

The numbers drop / fall / … rapidly for three decades…


[dcs_box color=”#000000″ bcolor=”#F1F1F1″ bgcolor=”#7AFFB8″ bwidth=”1″ ]


to remain stable

to reach a peak

to fluctuate / a fluctuation

to reach a low / high point

How? Speed of change

rapid / rapidly

gradual / gradually

slow / slowly

How? Degree of change

dramatic / dramatically

moderate / moderately

significant / significantly

slight / slightly


3) Conclusion

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Summing up

All in all, the statistics for … reveal / show/ … that…

In general we can say…


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Judging by… / In my view… / To my mind…

It seems likely / unlikely that the figures for … will (not) continue to …

Against the background of …, the figures / results are (not) very surprising / revealing / enlightening …

The data confirm / contradict / are (not) consistent with …
