How to blog


What is a blog? How is blog writing different from other forms of writing?

A blog (short for “Web log”) is simply a Web publishing platform that presents the most recently published content at the top of a Web site, followed, chronologically, by older content vertically down the page. Blog entries (much like mini journal entries) tend to be fairly short but sometimes are as long as several thousands of words. NBC’s World Blog is an excellent example of a legitimate news blog, as is CNN’s Global Public Square and The New York Times’ The Lede.

Blog styles usually fall somewhere on a continuum between traditional journalism (such as a piece that might appear in a print newspaper) and a personal diary. The purpose of blogs also varies widely. Blogs often express personal opinions, experiences and perspectives regarding an event or a source of information. The writing style tends to be less formal (unlike a structured essay), and bloggers often have the aim of engaging reader participation via commenting.

What function do blogs serve in a democratic society?

Consider the opinion of Yale University student Leah Anthony Libresco: “Blogs inform and empower ordinary citizens by allowing related data to be synthesized quickly and comprehensively and by making it easier for citizens to share their new opinions with friends or elected officials. In the blogosphere, you’re only a hop, skip, and a link away from sending form letters to send congress people or joining a meetup for a protest. Democracy depends on lowering the barriers to becoming informed. Although blogs are a great resource for the wonky, policy-making elite, their real power lies in their ability to provide broad overviews of the issues at stake and quick links for citizen activists.”

In terms of the impact of blogging on traditional media, also consider BBC News Editor Helen Boaden’s blog post The role of citizen journalism in modern democracy, as well as the extensive reader comments that follow the post.

What makes a good blog post?
At a minimum, a blog post should have a focused topic, be informative and engaging, and include some form of backed-up opinion. Posts should be provocative, yet respectful. Sometimes posts can reference other sources of online information, offering the reader the opportunity to investigate the topic further. Good blog posts often inspire readers to comment on the post.
QuickSprout and ProBlogger have good tips for creating quality blog content, while this source offers information on assessing student blogs.

What are blogging ethics? Should bloggers be governed by such “rules”?
Blogs are posted in a public space. As such, consider whether there are rules of ethics or etiquette that responsible bloggers should follow. “Martin,” a blogger and media researcher, proposed the following “Code of Blogging Ethics.” (NOTE: Some of these criteria will not apply to the students’ actual assignment, but are valuable to discuss nonetheless.)

Promote Interactivity
— Post to your blog on a regular basis
— Visit and post on other blogs
— Respect blog etiquette
— Attempt to be entertaining, interesting, and/or relevant

Promote Free Expression
— Do not restrict access to your blog by specific individuals or groups
— Do not self-censor by removing posts or comments once they are published
— Allow and encourage comments on your blog

Strive for Factual Truth
— Never intentionally deceive others
— Be accountable for what you post

Be as Transparent as Possible
— Reveal you identity as much as possible (name, photo, background info, etc.)
— Reveal your personal affiliations and conflicts of interest
— Cite and link to all sources referenced in each post

Promote the Human Element in Blogging
— Minimize harm to others when posting information
— Promote community by linking to other blogs
— Build relationships by responding to e-mails and comments regularly

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